I’m from America and I’m really proud of our pornography.
Post number #1046640, ID: ff5eb6
I’ve tried to get into porn from other countries and it just isn’t the same quality. Some worse than others, but American porn is just amazing in technical quality, overall cinematography and general attractiveness and cleanliness of the talent.
Post number #1046655, ID: 6d7518
I've never once cum while watch a porn in my life. Am I missing anything?
Post number #1046713, ID: b397aa
>>1046655 nah you're alright, using your imagination is way hotter and higher quality than porn, always. Once you try using your lewd imagination, you can't go back.
I do study some boorus sometimes to look at hot anime drawings for inspiration though
Post number #1046719, ID: 61d16d
>>1046640 >step mom >step sister Your industry is brainwashed
Post number #1046792, ID: 70d5a2
^ true AF. What are y'all doing side step with this shit for? Ain't no one want nothing to do with with some tainted blood slut! My cracker this shit just movie, give me the motherfuckin motherfucker christ-chan style! Who tf care about some dumb bitch my new mother say is my sister? If I want a non-incest shit I go outside! Not watching porn. Jesus fucking christ lord please guide these mislead sheeps.
Post number #1046835, ID: 7adbff
I don’t understand what you’re saying but keep it up passionate g/u/rl!
Post number #1046872, ID: 39a512
>>1046835 wha chu foolin around saying you don't have no clue ain't got no idea what not happening for? If you not fixing you broking! Alabama wonder doesn't build in a single day, Every sibling road lead to inceat you ain't got nothing what I'm not saying? keep the side steppin to a minimum and keep the puar bload sister touching to da max my crackar!
Post number #1046875, ID: 45455e
Yeah tell em!!! Passionate g/u/RLs can’t be stopped!!!
Post number #1046889, ID: 39a512
ain't no ain't got no nottin idea no way not nuttin on dem sis, Keep your friend close, yo enemirs closer, and get inside tor sistar that's what i saying. Real bload real bond with close tie thicker and cum n it true blaod get your sis get ypur ma and up em on film. stop this non sene step siding shit and we all be happy. fuck em tone police lolicon hatin sibling seperating dis is film shit fuck em and fuk em real right
Post number #1046892, ID: 62d244
>>39a512 i cut myself because of you <3
Post number #1046906, ID: b397aa
>>1046892 No cutting! Anti cut police here! You're under arrest for stoopid cutting! It's illegal! Weewooweewoo Drop the sharp objects and go to close loved one!
Post number #1046934, ID: 45455e
Anti cut patrol responding!!! Wee woo wee woo get hugged!!
Post number #1046967, ID: 5e88c2
i haven't watched professionally produced porn in years; amateur porn all the way
Post number #1047013, ID: a2ff44
the only good professional porn is animated, unless you count shit like Belle Delphine as "professional"
that being said i think cosplay porn with professional quality is a mostly untapped market. I'm still chasing the dragon of a Homestuck troll girl in full body paint fucking herself/getting fucked.
i'm sure that existed on tumblr at a time but old nudestuck from back in the day is harder and harder to find, sadly.
Post number #1047024, ID: efb096
3d porn is scary and seems really gross and disturbing to watch to me. But that’s how I feel watching it- that’s not how you are! It’s always encouraging the most uncivilized nonsense and the people are scary and look different from me and don’t act like humans and there’s the whole association with being drugged up and sad. I guess it would be cool if they brought in like doctors/engineers who could have fun sex while teaching us medical tips or how to budget and acted proud of themselves
Post number #1047025, ID: efb096
And I don’t like the one sided thing either they should make it so it’s normal to make porn back at them and have people authentically connect with porn based social media where they are sharing their thoughts on books or how to fix cars while naked. And people should have sex with each other instead of having one select group do all of it
Post number #1047036, ID: f0a884
>>62d244 You me sex now
Post number #1047056, ID: 5a29f3
>>1047013 g/u/rl when i have more money and have transitioned more i will cosplay terezi when she was binging on faygo, make this video, and post it here. it won't be professional but it's like a lifelong dream at this point
Post number #1047075, ID: 45455e
Go on to greatness hero!!!
Post number #1047232, ID: c0acac
I Jack off to Brazzers free previews cause I'm poor. Have to restart every 30 seconds
Post number #1047252, ID: 037a58
>>1047056 hella, sounds great
Post number #1047254, ID: 45455e
I Admire you for thrift g/u/rl! I came in bed today without even getting up to masturbate! Efficiency!
Total number of posts: 22,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1741361097
| I’ve tried to get into porn from other countries and it just isn’t the same quality. Some worse than others, but American porn is just amazing in technical quality, overall cinematography and general attractiveness and cleanliness of the talent.