Being called a good g/u/rl is heaven

| I felt lonely and wanted to relief some stress, and like any normal people I wanted to watch some hentai. It wasn’t enough, so I resorted onto audio porn instead and holy shit have I never cum harder in my life until now.

I am in eternal bliss after this session

| I highly recommend gwasi.com
Just put in top or popular, audio, and [good girl] then enjoy

| >>1042977 Thank you!! I will probably end up gooning myself to death with this profound information

| Puppygirlpilled? Or simply bottompill maxxing?

| >>1043005

| literally me too when i discovered it g/u/rl..then it kinda wore off. dk. maybe just not the righr environment atm but its the BEST i literally just start oozing hands free after listening to it for a while

| >>1043005 both

>>1043149 Yeah, you gotta be in the right environment to really get into it. But when you do, its hard not to go ambatukam

| >>1043158

| The noises subs make when you pat their head and call them 'good girl' is kinda cute ngl

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1739338476

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