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Viagra's the name

| Stimulation is the game
It makes me feel like Superman
Slap that ass

| Your haiku needs some refinement, but it's a good start.

| Consider:

Excitement's the game
Makes me feel like Superman
Slapping those ass cheeks

| If your man can't get it up
If you can't get it up
Check it out

| Up
And down
And down
And down

| If your man can't get it up
If your man can't get it up
If your man can't get it up
If your man, if your man, if your man can't get it up
Check it out

| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29FYYxxFack

| I can dance like a butterfly
Sting like a bee
One of these capsules, you can't play with me
Stimulation's the game
Viagra's the name
It makes me feel like SuperMan
Check it out

| I've tried Viagra a few times and it definitely helped me get the job done. It's like having a secret weapon in your arsenal when you need it the most. But don't forget about the importance of foreplay, it's just as important as the main event. And make sure to use it safely and responsibly, of course

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1739031329

This thread is permanently archived