Romance and being demipan, but sexual

| How the hell in this dystopian future we call a society, do I get a girlfriend.

I don't trust dating apps, I do not trust online dating, am I just destined to be forever alone?

| OP is also almost 30 now, if that matters.

| here to tell u it gets worse (23 btw) it doesnt ever seem serious or actually loving..everywhere seems just transactional or one sided

| My dad annoyed my mom in grad school but I dunno. My aunt and uncle are awesome but I don’t know how they met. My cousin met a boy but I don’t know how. My other cousin used an app and knew her wife was safe because she likes Star Wars? I’d be scared but she’s a really good wife actually. My best friend met a boy doing a class project and I guess they met up for food and talked but he’s kinda :/

I think the key is: understand your life goals, find others living towards them

| Do you have any friends OP? I want those too and you’re supposed to marry your friends. It would be interesting if there was a nice one you didn’t notice, or if you’re good at getting those and can pay me back for my love knowledge with friends ideas!!

| try dating apps and online dating

| >>1042721 someone didn't read the post

| >>1042720 OP here, I am the only LGBT person in my irl friend group, which is small because where I live is full of people triple my age.

I'm the only one attempting to find romance, and I am not interested in the one friend who is single with me.

I used to have a lot of female friends, one I attempted to date, didn't work out, the others are now married, soooo.

Then I was forced to move and now the media age is retirement.

| I wonder if you could like ask your friends for contacts or make a dating app profile which filters people fairly hard and use the app only for 30 minutes every weekend just to keep it active

Sigh I wonder if I should do such things.

| >>1042842 I'm willing to bet you $20 that both of my buds will look at me like I have two heads if I ask them this.

| kinda sounds like you're not around the right people OP. i have the same issue, i'm trying to meet more queer people.

| >>1042891
Oh mine would too. Dating seems like such a taboo thing. It probably doesn’t help being lgbt but even without that. But it must be worth asking.

I still think making the app and expanding your social circle are also good.

| >>1042911
Yeah that too - you may have drifted away from your friends in love goals and they can still be distant friends but you need to bring new people in who WOULD help you.

Oh maybe you should ask them how they found their spouses though?

| >>1042913 one of them used to be a coworker, the other is as single as me.

I talked to another and he said online dating, which doesn't help because fuck online dating.

| >>1043139
That’s cool you talked to them though. It seems like no one can help each other any more. It’s always ‘go to an expert/platform/institution’ for any problem anyone has. At some point friendship feels so fake. I do think experts will always be better than what people can do- I guess the real answer is like ‘go to therapy but let’s talk about how it went next weekend’ or ‘let’s set up your dating profile together and we can dress you up for dates together’ is what I’d want.

| I think online dating is a good idea (if I had hope for dating/love for myself at all lmao). So following my idea I’d like to set up a profile with you and look at the people you can go on dates with! If you want to call or something we can do that! Or you can even post cropped pictures here! I’ll even make one too!

But of course I’m pessimistic you’ll actually find anyone you can trust anywhere.

| Did I forget to mention that I have to be friends with these people first because that's how being demisexual works?

| >>1043440
You put it in the title too. I just have memory problems :<

I wish you could just put in your dating app that you want to have sex with friends eventually but you want to make friends and they really shouldn’t count on sex. I dunno.

We both need a bigger pool of reliable friends I think.

I love you and I need to rest and I hope you aren’t too hurt either and I can say something useful, or have already.

| >Romance and being demipan, but sexual

Ya I'm butt-sexual too. Love ass way too much smh

| Heterosexuals have a potential match pool of ~30%.
Homosexuals have a potential match pool of ~3%.
It's a numbers game and you are on hard mode.

Your best bet is to make more friends, even non-queer ones. There are dating apps that focus on friendship, too. The major sites suck, try lesser known ones. You may have to relocate to where less geriatic people are. Look for people who align with your long-term goals. There os no perfect match, close is enough. Good luck out there!

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