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am a chronic jacker

| too much meat bashing..issa downward spiral fellas truly. le sigh..

| delete every porn reach you have, that may help a bit.

| good job. don't stop

| >>1041895
but i always go back to it combined with hoarding is such a recipe for disaster. think i just need to throw away tha phone at this point


| pics?


| oh no! this user has commited the grave sin of cumming and now must self flagellate

| Spent 2 hours today on it, beats my old 4 hour average but it’s kinda sad. I just use gelbooru too so deleting won’t do shit. I’m going to go back to trying to stop.

| zam another day..

| >>1041891 keep going, you may cum blood soon

| Porn is literally as addictive as cocaine (physically). In my case, acknowledging that I am an addict helped a lot. Also, that I ALWAYS use porn to avoid feeling something (shame, guilt, sadness, etc). Always. I am not even horny, I just want to feel that dopamine baby.

Now it is much better than before but I still relapse from time to time.

| So, yeah, I feel you gurl. It is not an easy place to be but I wish you luck.

| >>1042271
its gotten lot worse lately but yeah i think i do it for the same reasons n when im not horny i literally just make myself horny its like self control is whittling away with each wank lol.

thx u too gurl..

| Porn is a waste of time. Just have sex instead. So EZ.

| I usually do it at least once a day as I've nary a bitch in sight, save for me anyway...

| >>1042308
maybe it's because you talk like that...

| >>1042312 that's the joke g/u/rl

| Yeah I just want to feel SOMETHING usually but I’ve decided to start drinking lots of soy milk to decrease my testosterone so I can stop and maybe be happier

| >>1042328 g/u/rl... you are being sold snake oil...

| The only ways I've found to permanently reduce horny are:
Castration, chemical or physical (changes biochemistry)
Getting morbidly obese (body too burdened for horny)
Old age (body can't support horny, as young as 30)
Death (remains drafted into the Skeleton War)

| >>1042362
“soy protein and isoflavones do not affect testosterone levels in men… it doesn't affect testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol (E2), or estrone (E1) levels.” Milk also didn’t! Yeah you’re right : (
I don’t wanna make animals live bad lives or be rejected or be ruled by physical desire and not interpersonal love. I hope I can not masturbate one day, but I actually have been feeling a lot better lately not through that but self acceptance kind of. I’m not sure how. Ty

| OP are you still chronically jacking? Let's jack together chronically! Put them together and jack each other! Maybe even rub against each other. Now we've solved the chronic jacking issue! It's chronic frotting

| >>1042672
h-hey encouraging my chronic addiction like that so enthusiastically..its too much!

| >>1042686 whatcha gonna do about it then hmmm?

| This is fucked up. I had a quiet meal of sour cream pancakes today. I ate about half a jar and felt the wildest excitement and fucked a jar of sour cream. This feeling is incomparable, cold sour cream smeared on the dick, like manna from heaven, literally within a minute. I have fucking experience, the sensation is worse than a jar of sour cream. Tomorrow I'll buy more sour cream. Now I'm a sour cream fucker. Did anyone else have a similar experience?

| >>1042701
damnit! c..chronic frotting it is! cmere! its too worked up right now and slick!

i thimk its just u..anon

| >>1042704
I like old fryer oil from my job! Make sure it cools off first, but it’s really slippery and I get a little excited when I smell it! That’s going to get expensive though g/u/rl you should try to eat it afterwards and just ignore the taste. That’s why I use waste oil because it’s not wasteful. Isn’t that ironic ; ) waste oil isn’t wasteful! Hehehe

And you two are tooooo cute!!!

And yeah I had soy yesterday and still spent 4 hours this morning on it :(

| 黒人ぽい

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| Masturbating once a day is OK in my opinion.

If OP wants to spend less time on it, I suggest finding things to do/research/ think about may prove helpful. Find more hobbies, etc.
If OP has underlying issues like low self-steem and/or depression, then try to help yourself with that as well.
Seek therapy, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and your mistakes/flaws, etc.

Thanks you for reading this life guide, I, the wise g/u/rl from a nowhere place, have spoken.

| waiting between jack offs makes it more fun, practice moderation, dont save porn, just artwork, and youre good to go

| Yay thank you wise g/u/rl from a nowhere place! I spend maybe 6 hours looking at porn to avoid life but I’m going to find joy and meaning in life and make a thread on ONE MONTH with a huge happy update! Thank you for being my friends g/u/rls!!
I was just talking to myself in the car and I felt a lot more like myself and better an hour ago I feel like therapy would be fake bs and no one would understand or guide me towards a life I want but I’ll try it.

| >>1043020 ultimately, bee yourself and find the way to live your life that you are proud of, feel comfortable, and remain stable.

I wish you good luck my g/u/rl friend

| Do you have a car? You can put your dick in the tailpipe

| >>1043009
will try girl from nowhere place

is saving artwork not as bad as porn? or u mean non-porn artwork?

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1739019502

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