I want to find a cute boy who's into yuri

| and forcefem her. <3

| That's the fun part, they forcefem themselves!

| no you don't get it it's not like that
> gets transfemmed immediately

| Try bidding for one on eBoy.com

| Can I have one too!!???

| >>1040237 i... i... ;-; if you are tomboy i would marry you

| Who is Yuri?

| what if already trans fem but boy moder, is this a candidate?

| what if already trans fem but boy moder, is this a candidate?

| Based femenforcers

| >>1040961
Oh sweetheart, come here, you don't need that silly boy costume anymore. Let's get you into something a little cuter and a little more revealing. <3

| >>1040976 nooo my boymoder hoodie

| i want to find a cishet guy thats into yaoi, i want to ruin his ass

| >boymoder
You know we can tell, right?
And we can't wait to rip those clothes off you, too~

| i shldnt tell u but... thts y we do it

| i shldnt tell u but... thts y we do it

| wows diabolical this is warfare of sorts so tha gloves come off..

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737768625

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