I Wanna Suck Off a Trans Girl

| The idea of sneaking off into a stairwell or somewhere private and getting on my knees turns me on so much. I want her to list up her skirt slightly nervous then I turn those nervs into pleasure until she instinctively grabs my head as she cums down my throat while moaning

Please, I need this so bad

| yea

| Is Homer Simpsons in a muumuu okay?

| Yes yes *vigorous nodding *

| why trans specifically.

| >>1040092
I like girls and penis

| well..im dude but i do the last part of this.. >>1040033

| >im dude
Sure you are.

| >>1040110
o yeah? dont believe?

| Most trans girls want nothing and nobody to do anything with their penis.

| i love chasers

| Gaaaaay

| >>1040255
I was gonna say I can't be a chaser since I'm also trans, but then again, why couldn't I be trans and a chaser

| >>1040164 the opinions and feelings of trans people do not get represented in trans discourse. you will have your penis played with and you will be socially pressured to enjoy it.

| >>1040295
Wtf that’s not nice :< please have someone nice and respectful

| I guess part of it is I don’t want to penetrate her. I want her to be standing up proud and smiling and cumming and shaking because of me. It feels kinda violating to just enter her body for my own gratification. I wish there was a nice way to make trans girls cum and they would love me and be happy. I think about them a lot. I don’t actually ask them out though. They have enough to deal with fr fr

| >>1040315 You might have "extreme bottom syndrome" g/u/rl...

Topping and dom foreplay are supposed to be the greatest ways to make trans girls have a good time and make them happy
It's in great demand as well

>t. tgirl chaser

| Awww u keep making them feel special! :3
I guess I feel like being a bottom is a little cute thing you can do for anyone as a favor but being a top means being a responsible husband and that means only having relationships you have planned out til ur death and being able to take care of both of you fully hahaha
I think you’re doing a good thing if they understand you’re just fucking them now. Thanks g/u/rl <3

| >>1040317
As a dom, can confirm.


| >>1040033 >her

| >>1040033 been there, done that. The tranny ended up breaking my front teeth. Not worth it.

| >>1040504
that's so sad why do you think that happened? I hope ur teeth are ok


| >>1040504 generally being a creep can have that result

| >>1040967 I'm not a creep

| >>1040986
I’m proud of you <3
It’s hard sometimes when I’m uncomfortable and really attracted and say stupid stuff, I think often when women say that they’re not talking about objective reality but how they were made to feel and it’s important not to make people feel creeped out, the problem is they’ll never just say ‘I feel really creeped from how you keep looking at me and trying to make me like you’ because they’d feel silly because stupid people say emotions don’t matter.

| >>1040504 hnnnngh i wanna break a shitty chaser moid's face. beating up men <<<<<3

| Arrange it on grindr or some shit, it aint hard (though hopefully she is lolol)

| >>1041034 don't

| >>1041034
That is how you end up in the papers, hun

| >>1041088 >>1041251 fuck yall let a girl fantasize

| >>1041407
*breaks ur face for wanting to fuck me*
*puts it back together *
Sorry I couldn’t ur too cute ^^ I hope some men are nice in your life and the bad ones can go away more

| >>1041407
Ruining your fantasies is my fetish

| If g/u/y in a kilt isbgood enough for yoz, then come to Hamburg and suck me off

| >>1041407
lets fantasize bitch hehe ill break a foids face

| >>1041890 knife fight me?? ^u^

| >>1042087
Aaaaa cut me best after you’ve washed off the boy blood

| >>1041890
Typical british couple be like

Total number of posts: 39, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1738213848

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