huge dick no brain is peak

| Like his back is a fucking straight line no head what so ever with massive sausage, huge balls. Peak character design, absolutely peak, kino

| Look what you need to mimic a fraction of my power

| dam..wish dat was me me im just wide minisicule cock n ball AND no brain da end is nigh

| That’s kinda cool! I’m imagining his dick is like a shovel and he can dig with hip thrusts and he has eyes either on his collar bones or his head just ends right above his eyes and when he laughs it sounds like a piano!

| >>1040074
my dick a shovel n im diggin in you im diggin in uuuu im diggin in a nigga

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737064895

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