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Incel VS Monk


| Desperation VS Control ? I'll place my bets on the Monk.

| Restraint vs an active shooter who would win??? Thoughts chat room?

| >>1039810 Monk would hit Incel by his Wooden shovel
>>1039814 Restraint, bullet would bounce back to shooter head

| >>1039817 kekw

| no one bets on incels but other incels roflmao

| 2 g/u/rls 1 lightbulb

| >>1039873
Memebrained NPC

| >>1039873 new trend, just copy paste ai comments from YouTube

| >>1039873 so we need only 2 g/u/rls to swap lightbulb? we are so talented!

| Chudda?

| >>1039991 ur fat and cringe and gay. Boom divorced.

| >>1040005 :c

| >>1039991

| >>1039991
I laughed

| what are they competing in? a nofap contest? or is it like that reality television show where you send people to an uninhabited island where they have to duke it out with contests and stuff

| >>1039846
voluntary celibacy is obviously stronger than involuntary celibacy. one of the two is a choice you maintain while the other one is a... cope? or maybe it's a choice with extra steps because calling yourself an incel or getting angry over your lack of sex isn't helping lmao

| Monk had a tv show, Incel didn't

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737057037

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