wanks and jav

| somethin comfy bout twiddling me peen to some javs at night, sometimes i be just playin with my worm but not really jorkin it just watchin da jav play out especially comfy if its a milf plot

| matter of fact im doin it rn

| What is your WPM?

| >>1039117 2-5 sometimes around 10-15 if im gettin really invested or worked up into it. watchin one with Julia rn

| Pic?

| >>1039118 15 a minute, that's 1 every 4 seconds breh

| >>1039159
ahem like i said, tis a comfy past time

of my wiener or the jav?

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1736366550

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