Huge tits no ass is peak

| Like her back is a fucking straight line no ass what so ever with massive melons, huge honkers. Peak character design, absolutely peak, kino

| Flat tits no ass is peak

Like her back and front is a fucking straight line no curve what so ever with flat board, smooth chest. Peak character design, absolutely peak, kino

| >>1039008 i can agree to that, straight up twig ass woman, incredibly low body fat.

| lmaoth no way bruh

| flat as a board and a fat ass is peak actually and anyone who disagrees has no taste in women.

| >>1039063
literally. like what op on bruh

| https://youtu.be/1JJfM6sag9o

| >>1039063 i can agree with you there pear shape ok. Still huge fan of huge gazongas and no ass

| I like moderate both but not huge but not totally absent

| >>1039008 istn't that just a slender male body?

| slenderman body

| sirenhead body

| i just like women

| >>1039203
they're so pretty me too

| i like their personality

| >>1039199 no, guy smell and softness suck. Small girl with no tits no ass on a wheelchair is where it's at.

| >>1039247 are you one of the developers of katawa shoujo perchance

| >>1039253 no gurl I'm not, didn't even read it. But if I were to make a game I'll make sure to have at least 3 disable girl in it.


| >>1039007 I actually love that bodytype too, it is also quite underappreciated for some reason
I love twigs with huge badonkers

| this is so nice I wish you two could get married and both be like that :<

sometimes it's really nice but sometimes they're too scared or closed minded

| >>1039332 gurl I already noticed you being envious of me talking about physically handicap girls, Just wanna let you know that I don't mind mentally ill gurl either <3 I didn't want to left you hanging hehe.

| >>1039418
Awwww thanks I think you’re cute too how passionate you are g/u/rl! I try not to be but I think that’s really sweet of you to say that to me <3

| Why not both?

| >>1039773 it's also really hype but idk man just seeing absolutely no curves on the back and super silly chest melons makes me go absolutely feral

| >>1039773 basically, what>>1039802 said
It just hits different

| no tits no ass is the best imo. just a tiny little wanker right there ready to bottom

| >>1039874 like i said in>>1039026 I can get down with that

| I associate people who like this with those who are intellectually challenged.

It's an unironic identification with a kid drawing a stick figure with tits.

| >>1039919 hey pal hurry up second period about to start, can't be late for math class

| >>1039923 oh shit, let's go the classroom asap!!
>>1039919 You too kiddo! Let's go!

| choke me in tits~

| >>1039932 frrrrrr

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1736885219

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