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i wish tall girl dominate me

| like~~ please~ <3

| everyone wishes for something But have you got something for the mentioned tall girl?

| >>1038093 i would wear skirt and neko cosplay and I'm pretty autistic and breedable, cuddles energy, i would lick her everywhere ^^

| >>1038094
That's creepy and unattractive af

| ^

| >>1038099 ;-; *hugging pillows lonely*

| >>1038102
*hug in ur cute neko cosplay* ur plenty cute for me fellow ugly g/u/rl <3 <3 <3

I don't like the 'you need to be ashamed of not being attractive to the public' people posture so much for mean people, but I have to say I would be a lil scared too. :<

I'm sure you don't want to make nice g/u/rls scared and will make whatever g/u/rl you pick here happy!! *cute kiss*

| >>1038121 ;-;

| wish a tall gal would pick me up and use me..but im average height so not very common to find taller gals

| >>1038138
*kissing u a lot!!!!*

| need me a tall boy to stomp on me

| >>1038141
If you're average height doesn't that mean that 50% are taller than you? Just bring a ruler next time.

| >>1038094
I'm tall and you sound like fun

| >>1038292 fun? i'm worrying idk clearly :c i'm introvert a loit little :c

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1735778969

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