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skinny girl need to get fucked

| after reading some threads on this board about low-weight girls and getting fucked by a tall woman wearing collar i got so horny i couldn't think straight. last night i woke up feeling my own body - the ribs beneath my skin and meager flesh and how i need somebody to feel how soft it is with two hands around the side of my hips. i think i want to get fucked by a strap most of all or a hard dildo, to feel my body clenching around it sensitive and filling me up completely

| hmm Ill contact the sex g/u/rls, but.. Are you tall and do you brush your teeth twice a day?

| >>1037992
I've been trying to brush my teeth after every meal but it's hard to remember! do you? I love dental hygene!!

I have to force myself to eat a lil but being healthy is important! kiss! You can have some split pea soup maybe <3

| now i want to stick my peen..

| is it stick thin girl thread? You're welcome gurlie

| I love sex.

| >>1038055 i cant remember tbh i just read a few different threads and it made me horny. even reading over this thread made me horny again..

yes yes

| hi, i'm skinny little :33

| :3 :3 :3 I hope we all have really happy sex!

| Thin girls are fun, but I'm always a little worried I'll break them.

| >>1038296 that's the fun part though?

| i wanna feel the hardness of your bones enveloped between the thin warmth of your flesh, youre so sexy mmffghg the friction between our skin as we rub on each other and feel our bodies meld into one another

| fr though, skinny cunt have very pointy ass, and if you're fucking her in doggy it really sore your stomach afterward

| >>1038549 actual literal lara croft bodytypes

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1735881630

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