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Who wants a dickpic

| I'll post link don't think I won't

| >I'll post link
What now, bitch?

| why should we even look at your penile when we can just search a better one

| >>1037724

| >>1037738 brutal

| >>1037738
the other g/u/rl was cuter and I kinda didn't like urs but ur cool to post. I might not like erect pps. they can be cute when they're floppy lil guys

| >>1037738 you should have make photo with cage in

| OK you inspired me ^^ now who's pp is cuter than this happy lil worm?

| im almost obligated to join in..

| >>1037946 you are

| >>1037946
:3 cute pp!!!

| >>1037979
really..? i dont think anyone’d like it

| >>1038039
just make sure to strip the identifying information and maybe don't take it erect so it's not too scary, I kinda didn't like the first pp but she was brave to share it :)
You could draw something fun on it like mine or show us some art you made or a favorite stuffed animal too!
I like seeing my friends pps I feel closer to /u/ <3

| >>1037939 aw wtf that's cute asf. happy pp

| >>1038280
^~^ ty! I felt so inspired

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1735713809

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