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I am the heavy penis guy

| ...and this is my penis. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred mililiter, custom-made cum at ten thousand shots per minute. It takes four hundred thousand balls to fire this cum...for twelve seconds

| pic

| i call mine the millimeter defeater, can bust da bunker of the ex wife

| I call mine Schwerer Gustav due to the recoil

| >>1037608 this is beginners numbers, my dick weight thousand fifty TONES, and fires 9.11 km with million shots per zeptosecond. and it's energy effecient using only 1/1000 of ball for 1000 years

| i call my the poonslayer, thick and long, indeed its akin to a heap of raw meat

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735446122

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