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I'm so fucking horny

| I'm so fucking horny like I'd gladly fill anyones butt if it's mean I get an anus to relieve myself with

will send nudes (cock pics/vids) if asked, don't care anymore

aaaa I'm so horny I can't even think straight anymore, send help


| Ew

| dick pic NOW

| show urself cumming for us!

| You know having a stroll outside is a good way to relax, try it out.

| this so real..it sucks fr (not really literally yk haha get it) all this energy with nowhere to go

| i masturbated 3 times in the last 3 days. i think it's on the downswing now and it's mostly lonely and wanting someone warm to hold more now.
id really like to see you! :3 can you post your general area? i could suck you off with a condom but i think being really careful is important :/

| >>1037431
w-whoa!! i want my weenier sucked and slurp with a condom! also very real on the 3 times last 3 days and wanting someone warm and feelin lonely. das all i need..with a blowie!

| >>1037460 >das all i need..
Sounds like a german speaking country. Are you Hamburg-G/u/rl from one of the other threads?

| >>1037468
silly goose im jus bein goody im just a b/u/rger g/u/rl!

| goofy*!

| >>1037468
It's a ruski

| >>1037460
well tell me if you're around me ^^ but you won't find me cute unfortunately, and probably not useful in the long term. And if my words only give you a good feeling but can't be acted on, I'm happy for that too :3

| op here, forgot to check this

| >>1037211

better, I'll upload a video or something nice for you gurls

| I'd be down to send a picture myself also.
Wouldn't be the first time

| >>1037669 do it. /u/ have no dick pic in so long idk what's wrong with newfags not showing their dick

| >>1037691

| >>1037691

| >>1037667 op here again


| for some reason I can't upload a video qwq

anyone now any site that would allow me ? preferably no login

| >>1037809 https://kongoucheats.com/

| >>1037809 dick video

| i miss boytoy:c

| yeah! he was cute and she was so cute teasing him- update pleeeeaaaasssseeeee :>
oh and I still love you girlfriendchan!

| >>1038161 tbh this post made me feel as help i wish be gim xd

| >>1038397
XD luv you XD
(I don’t understand but you have cutie energy)

| where the video?

| Video?

| >>1038542 *him xd I'm not cute xd

| >>1038694
U doooooooo

| Hope you recover

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1736215570

This thread is permanently archived