i lobe za long floppy saggy boobs

| pull those floppies out
give them the ol mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpop

| loooonnng boobs

| gaga gogo

| goo goo gagaga

| Loooooooong looooooooooong

| I don't get the appeal but I can respect it

| >>1034413 pendulum tiddies

| Huge floppers

| floppy sloppy woppy booobs

| Flippity floppity, your nipples are now my property

| >>1034651 sloppy 11/10

| indeeed

| Wanna burry my face on some hangers

| >>1034945
wanna pull on some saggy hangers

| I'd rather have tacgnol

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1733650296

This thread is closed.