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planning drawing upside down

| like i can draw things easily the normal way but when it is flipped or rotated even slightly my whole knowldege gone to drain..
how do we sort of, calculate, or project, plan things...i mean it's reflection of sorts...but i generally dont know how it should ACTUALLY, work https://flockmod.com/img/?1063530

| Go into your video settings and try switching your fps from unlimited fps to 60 fps.

| >>1032923 there is no unlimited fps.

| also in 60 fps it suffers the same. like, digitally.

| >>1032912 i just rotated my monitor about 180° and i can't see what you drawed :(

| >>1032978 Imma rotate you 180° and fucks your mouth

| >>1032978 no it was done the other way sigh

| >>1033199 ohh i just rotated not to right about 180 but left.. but it seems same to me :(

| mf fuck off with ur thread die ur thread

| >>1033299 *stabs you* (friendly)

| >>1033304
*stabs you back* (friendlier)

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1731815806

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