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Is Autonecrophillia a Thing?

| The idea of someone murdering me and raping my corpse really turns me on, but I have always wondered if I was the only one. Surely there is at least 1 other person with the same kink, but it is weird enough that I don't know

| I want to kill you, don't know about raping tho.

| I want to have sex with you, don't know about raping tho, don't know about killing you tho

| Oh yeah, I've jerked off to that fantasy before. I particularly have a thing for someone cutting me open and pulling my guts out.

| what the..fuck.

| >>1032108 my dm open, just saying.. haha ;)

| I’ve heard people talk about having this fetish too! I don’t engage in it because I’d feel guilty for dying and letting people down, not because I don’t find it interesting hehe

| >>1032110
Yes, we are talking about fucking. Please try abd keep up

| >>1032108 oh? Guro?
Are guro fans usually snuff fans too?

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1730908819

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