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Put a cig out on my neck

| Then lick it, smack me, and call me a worthless whore. Make me bleed too while you're at it. No one I actually do stuff with will actually hurt me as much as I want to be hurt and it's kinda driving me crazy a bit. Like seriously where a crazy goth bitch to fuck me up? I need one

| hehe, roommate

| waaaah I want you but I don't want to hurt you like that you're too pretty I want to grab you in a really big bear hug and spin you around and around and you to be all complaining and I'll laugh and cry and say I love you a lot for like 30 minutes til my arms lose blood circulation too much and then you'll say I violated your bounderies and leave me

| >>1031751 that really specific but I guess not too inaccurate. You can even hit me once? Pleasee?

| >>1031755
No I'm tired maybe tomorrow if you're a good girl

| So you like it a little rough, ey?

*grabs you by the throat, ties yout hair onto a chain and hoists you up*

Here's the only rule you have to follow: clap twice to signal 'ok' or 'continue'. I will consider everything else as a saveword.

Shall I go on?

| >>1031818 lmfao

| >>1031818
Look at this guy lmao

| >>1031909
*bows to you, gives you a promotion, shows you to your nice chair and big wooden desk*
So you like it a little socially standard eh? Here’s the rule, issue us reasonable directives and we’ll come back to you with results and data for further decision making

| >>1031914 >>1031818 what the fuck are you two talking about? Literally just hit me a lot that's all I need

| >>1031929 *fucks your mouth a lot*

| >>1031929
Oh I actually was kinda fed up and was willing to hit you yesterday but I'm kinda feeling cute and peppy today so I can't today but maybe thursday

| >>1031929
I'm ready to hit you if you're available in the next two hours and can provide transporation and snacks! (no gluten)

| >>1031929 *bitch slaps you*

| >>1032052
*LEAPS into the fray wildly swining my arms has hard as I can all about!!*
(I think she’s going to be ~so~ happy!)

| :D >>1032052

| >>1032162


| >>1031929 *gut punches you*

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1730852593

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