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girls might want the horny weirdo

| girls are diverse and unique individuals full of nuance, some of them might be horny weirdos while others might not be. it is a coin toss,really

| Oh yeah? Tell me the most depraved horny weirdo girl story then.

| I for once, am going to pick the mental stable and financial stable ones over babysitting someone forever.

| >>1031567
Because you're the one who needs the babysitting, right?

| >>1031570 holy hot, I need to sex her rn

| >>1031570 I could never live like that

| You learn much better by allowing others to walk down your path than you to be lead in someone else's pretty cover.

| I’m going to pick the daycare girl not the a babysitter girl

| >>998d5f
Going by the way you speak... the successful women will never pick you.

| I really admire how she tries to value herself and her future lover. I bet she’ll find a poor but mentally together g/u/rl.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1730354973

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