why is drawing upside down

| like extra work. like i mean, it make sense that i am not a fucking bat, nor does batman uses his gadget to do backflips

what do i do to cut the workload. i mean, is it correct? i am doing the usual thing i do with drawing and it works better when its not upside down. i just dont find checking the same shit multiple times also, it's just easier when i dont upside down. but still it seems funky, or at least real skill idk https://flockmod.com/gallery/index.php?q=/post/view/1054806

| cool phishing scam bro, too bat i'm not clicking it B)

| >>1029102 s okay kid, that's a childcare sitcom

| Drawing upside down is really easy to me. Mainly because when I masturbate upside-down I like to attempt to draw something with my genital fluids all over my body. This is from years of practice. You should try it. It will improve your upside down drawing skills.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1727871246

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