Girls that stink good

| They're so great. I love girls that kinda smell it's really hot

| what does girl smell smell like..?

| sister smell is the best fr fr

| >>1028830 hmmm it varies and I think people who don't like smells may not always be into it. But I think it's great and always appreciate it

| KyouASMR

just will leave this here for enjoyers

| Does anyone else just love their own smells? Whether it’s my feet or my arm bits they’re so rich and good

| >>1028892 not really my thing, but thanks for the suggestion! Nothing beats actually being with weird girls that smell.

| >>1028917 hmmm yes and no??? It's weird. I like some of them in the same way I like them for other people but not most of them.

| >>1028928
Interesting. You’d think this would be like an instinct and it would be the same for everyone. I wonder if it actually is if your diet and all aren’t confounding factors. My dad smells pretty bad but he has bad health even though he’s a good guy

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1727568849

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