Free Chatbots for ERP or just RP

| I've been switching between Agnai and Spicychat. Can you recommend anything else that's either free or cheap?

| why not, instead of waiting for someone to hand you one on a silver platter, invest the resources into running your own on your own computer? 50k behavior. kill yourself, honestly.

| try janitorai.com, that's what i used to use

| Wait, I thought this was a joke for a second. Wtf.

| Just type your prompt in here!!

| >>1027719
Your logic is sound but your retoric is mouth breather-tier. Unfuck yourself.

| Have you ever attempted to acquire real life bitches to talk dirty with?

| Uhm alshually that’s what I’m doing

| alshually??? lol??? fym alshually lol thats not even english??? literally what haha speak english or google translate what even haha like do you need help??? are you lost lol what

| This is where that one gurl mention VRC

| >>1027757

| >>1027719 I don't want to waste electricity on that. I'd rather encode with ffmpeg.

| >>1027718 danger/d/

| just rp there with gurls

| https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1726819104

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