Stolen valor

| Someone posted the other day about being inferior. One of you fuckers in the comments made a remark about "oh but you live with people so we can't fuck you" THAT'S ME YOU BITCH

Get your sluts right you brainlet, can't even tell pathetic bitches apart. Fuck outta here

| LMAO it's the "please rape me rape me" gurl, are we still can't fuck you bc of your roommate?

| I’m kinda slutty on here too…
Please don’t forget me. I’m sorry you felt bad. If you ever want sex I want to help, but I think you were in not the east coast.
This is an official cute g/u/rl thread anyone who posts here is unique and cute <3

| >>1026448 I am, and you must be the one that accused the other poster of being me. Get your shit together, bub. We got real faggots out here

| >>1026501 you all look the same to me

| >pseudo-namefagging on an anonymous textboard
Fuck off to Discord and never post again.

| Please don’t say fag. It comes from bundle of sticks, as in a burden. I think we can enjoy sexuality without being burdens on others if we’re responsible smart gurls. Also I really like jobchan and unemployedchan and rapemechan and girlfriendchan (love you! Mwah! <3) and poppy and that other gurl who did an AMA. I think their threads have a sense of passion and fun I come here for, and aren’t a threat to the culture because we can still be goofy and edgy and flirt and all as anons.

| >>1026465
Where on the east coast? I can steal my big bro's unmarked white van, and bring you some candy

| >>1026535
Maryland! I just pumped up the air in my car's tires too today so we can leave it nicer than we found it! my friend was saying he wants to go hiking now after paul harrel died so maybe we could do a fun weekend trip together? Happy to do whatever : )

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1725473224

This thread is closed.