Lots of things

| What's your best suggestion in memorizing tons of objects to draw
Like memorizing it first
Like knowing how many things out there
Wht are they
And their shapes, maybe also how to draw
So on

| easy, draw/design something to the littlest detail. You have to have good discipline like doing it everyweek/everyday/everyhour..

| Best suggestion in memorizing tons of objects to draw would be to use your brain. Just like most things in life. Using your brain.

| You need to put the work in, 50k-kun.

| >>1026201 yea but that's like one not all.
>>1026203 how do YOU use it then? Put it in your own mouth and squeeze?
>>1026206 stupid work is also work. Just like you and your limited space in your cubicle.

| >>1026208 that's why u gotta keep doing it on repeat. it's just practice

| Have you tried having sex?

| >>1026206
She’s literally me waaahhhh btw scheduled a psychiatrist appointment and changed my study space after last thread thanks!

Yay! Draw while having sex!

| >>1026237 you, me, sex. you do the math

| >>1026229 no no as in I Wana know the range of the brain or the entire object designs itself oror
Fuck you for this
>>1026237 oh wow now I understand why everyone pissed off.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1725238639

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