I think the world owe us sex!

| Let's claim our owed sex g/u/rls!!

| fuck off incel

| Greem threeeeeeead

| >>1026202 femcel*
Remember we're all femcels here, g/u/rl

| >>1026212 grem? More like gem! Gemmy!
Or you meant it as "gremlin"?

| So true gurl, claim me first!!!! I wanna claim you…

| >>1026239 I call dibs on you! Hahaha!

| I know a boy looking for a stinky femcel wife. Who wants him?

| >>1026290 chat is this real? We need confirmation!

| >>1026297
He wants a Pippa-esque girl of his own. Apparently she's some vtuber??

| NO ONE knows boys they aren’t real!! Stop making me hurt with your lies waaauuughhhhhhhhhhhhh sniff sniff

| >>1026342 it's okay g/u/rl, I got you.

| >>1026311 I thought Pippa was an unique phenomenon made into a person, how are we supposed to find another?!

| >>1026359
mmmm t-thank you you're really *sniff* nice *sniff* *hug*

| >>1026380 you're welcome g/u/rl, anytime, my dear.
*hugs you tightly*

| >>1026408
Thanks again gurl… you’re really nice. You can have the boy if you want him or whatever. I’m feeling a lot better and warm and happy now <3

| >>1026462 I'm glad to hear that.
About the boy... let's share the boy together!

| Ok! <3

| A cute and wholesome solution! I wish you two the best of luck!!

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725425423

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