I am Inferior

| I am not to be given the same respect as everyone else
I am a subhuman degenerate that should be leashed like an animal
I do not get to have a normal relationship like other people
Because having that mutual partner would imply I am somehow equal to other people
But that's simply impossible

| hmm attractive.

| wow, you really do live in a society do you

| too bad we can't fuck you, because you have a roommate

| Inferiority is an illusion, death makes us all equal. Enjoy sex!

| easy! Just pretend like everyone else does. It's that common.
Nobody has integrity in an active world.

| I would leash you like an animal……
But I bet you have your moments you make others smile : )
Dumb people can be great members of society. And poor self control people can be too in the right environment <3 like on my leash for instance…

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1724803933

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