
| Start breeding your mom and become a disgrace for society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless relationship. Don't bother looking for girlfriends, boyfriends or anything else. Seek your cousins if you really can't help yourself. I personally prefer to also SIBLINGMAXX, no outsiders know my name, no strangers, no morals, no rules, just living in the shadows of society with my sister and mom, but I digress.

| Simply take everything you need from your family, fuck them silly and enjoy life. Hit on your dad and mom and become an honest parent fucker. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become incestuous like you. Once enough people do this, the current system collapses, and so it's not a taboo anymore. Also always remember how over half the population got married to their cousins and sided with the government? make them pay for their hypocrisy and enjoy it too.

| This is how you get back at the restrictions, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you. Make children with our family. Never cum outside.

| There is nothing more that governments and their religious institutions fear than you g/u/rl getting ahead in life, with your family, never forget that.

| I'm already doing my part sis!

| Sorry no family left for me to do my part

| I love sex.

| I think my family wouldn’t like it : ( I wanna breed happy smiles into their faces not make them sad and ashamed.
You’re so based-you love them OP! There’s a reason they had to make it illegal to stop the samurai!!

| >>1025291 High morals gurl, I love you! We should have protected sex 5 years after marriage.

| >>1025313
Uohhh you could use me any time I know my libido would get tired, but I want you to kiss and hold every day, and to set a loving example to our children <3
Thanks for thinking of me… I’ll be thinking of you hugging my pillow tonight. It would be more but I’ve been really tired lately after I tried masturbating once per day and idk I’m stopping it and trying to get more exercise and eat sugary things regularly for energy… Should probably cut the screen time too huh? Mwah

| Cool, I'll start with your mom

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1724385822

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