I just gooned to Pink World

| It's a bimbofication novel series created by annon. Two games are free, the other one is on Patreon but Kemono exists.
I am fucking gooooone, the visuals, text and music choice just put me in a trance and I cannot stop imagining how good a Pink World would be if it was real. Damn it!

| save your cum for Shondo

| >>1024517 who's that

| >>1024555 My imouto daughter wife

| >>1024555 My big titties arara oneesama

| advert

| Is that the one that hypnotizes you into being a bimbo?

| >>1024516 I'm into bimbofication but only when others are getting bimbo'd and I take advantage of them

| >>1025221 is this what they call netorare?

| >>1025249
That's when an eel bites your thigh
and you bleed out and die,

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1724386378

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