Something like >40% of men have never asked a girl/guy out

| Seriously, just try it.

And no, I'm not talking about Tinder/Grindr. Now, if you do get good experiences from those, more power to you. I love a good hookup every now and then ;)

But for everyone else, these apps will only hurt you. They weaponize the emotional toll of rejection to encourage you to pay without being an accurate reflection of what IRL dating is like.

Also, if an LTR is what you're after, consider that the app doesn't keep making money if you actually achieve that

| I cannot stress this enough - the economic and social incentive structures of app-based dating are ENTIRELY divorced from reality. The insane gender imbalance between men and women on these apps means that, no matter what, many men will not find mates on the apps.

Take a shower, get a hobby so you have something interesting to talk about, and get out to the bar and be friggen sociable man! I have really fucking bad anxiety, but sometimes there's no way out but through.

| Everything you want is behind a hard conversation. Trust me, *someone* out there wants to fuck you.

| >>120cde Go out with me. I want to fuck you.

| Honestly the conversations aren't even hard. Just be nice and cool. G/u/rls and guys both just want partners that treat them well so be a genuine and caring person. Like making friends, girlfriends, and boyfriends has literally been as easy for me as just going "hey you seem cool, do you mind chatting for a bit?"

| I have but she's underaged and I instantly block her

| >>1024439 Okay but what if I don't want sex?

| >>1024502 then you're a statistical outlier in a society that's normalized the idea that being close with someone means you're entitled to sex from them.
god bless you.

| >>1024502 then you should have sex and have fun

| >>1024503 dang life is rough in the rabbit hole

| >>1024502 Asexual cutie with a cuddly booty?

| >>1024502 Replace with whatever your ideal outcome is then.

| It sounds like >40% of men are loser pussies

| No, I don't want to go out with anyone.
Leave me the fuck alone.

| >>1025087 hot, I wanna peg you

| >>1025087 I'd fuck you alone if you know what I mean

| >>1025080
I could fix them… ><

| >40% of men are too busy shitposting on anonymous indonesian carpet weaving boards

| >>1025141
Gurls, but yes! Yes!

| Roughly 50% of those 40% are kids, though. So ot's closer to
>"20% of men have never asked out a woman"

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1724386447

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