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I haven't masturbated in two days

| For the record I've been doing this on daily basis since I was 11 years old. At least once or twice a day until I'd orgasm. My longest break was three days in 2016 when I was hospitalized for a week. Then I finally gave in and came twice within just 10 minutes when I was on the toilet.
For some reason I didn't do it yesterday and I don't think I'll be doing it today either.
I want everyone to know.

| Being 12 seem hard

| Nevermind, I already came.

| That’s pretty interesting g/u/rl! Was it different this cum than others? I’ve been cumming every day the last few days, but usually I’m too tired to cum more than once or twice per week.

| least porn addicted /u/ enjoyer

| I'd stop you from masturbating if you know what I mean

| I can stop anytime

| I'm about to goon again

| >>1024499 pic

| What the hell

| >>1024345 lmaoo this

| I’m thinking on it but I’ve been a little tired lately
I hope you have fun!

| Just came! Had a lovely cool shower and danced around to cheery tunes too after! I feel so great and refreshed! Hardly anything came out, and the orgasm was like the bump of a motor scooter, not the freight train it sometimes is, but it was a lovely time : ) I’m going to see if I can cum every 2 days from now on!

| And I hope you’re feeling good 2 day kun!!

| I will bust a nut in your honor. Congrats on a healthy two days.

| I came twice in a row at 2am

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1724120914

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