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Do glass/translucent+refraction+reflect

| https://ibb.co.com/CmbDwfq
Assume thisobject being the focus and the environment being anything you want
How do you get those rendering
Effects, going.
Like, I assume we all know how refraction angles are counted
So this one goes right to, planning wht color goes where on the object, and if it overlaps, shapes of it so on
So to make it glass on glass, refractive and reflective, translucent altogether between objects2objs

Theoretically and mmathemathical, systematically? Precisely?

| Precisely?

| The only thing this fucks is my eyes

| No talent

| >>1024200 yea. like photoreal precise. but also like, based on calculation or, systematic steps, grounded in realism, logic, than photo reference.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1724044485

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