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d/rawing/ refractivity;upsidedown?

| https://flockmod.com/gallery/index.php?q=/post/view/1046851
how do one suggest refraction in drawing? like i know the math and all so, calculated and sketched, from your perspective, how is the line then placed, colord, in a refractive object, naame anything (glass,body, skin etc) so it actually "refract" correctly based on the environment
>another one
upside down drawing, like in the movie utena...how does that work, so that it actually looks right UPSIDE DOWN..

| (cont) one can just rotate the drawing i guess, but what are the theorethical, construct, whatsoever, to make something correctly drawn, upside down, and seen, upside down...like flipping an image.

| You draw it refracted.
Practice with a mirror, you'll get it in no time at all

| >>1023838 what do you mean? refraction as in how color moves in glasses, overlapping.
mirror would be reflections/upside down but it messes my coodinations so i dont need it anyway
it's two different topic: a.refraction in materials and b. upside down images.

i actually "get it in" but it still dont look fine so i think im missing something but im not sure what...
like how the hand goes in this image and the naturality of the pose... https://flockmod.com/img/?1046870

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1723700981

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