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I want

| a horribly toxic relationship with a partner that beats and abuses me. Except I'm into it because she's pretty and I'm a sad lil doggy thing.

| Go work in a convenience store and have a relation with your manager then

| >>1023154 woof for me pathetic little puppy ;>

| >>1023160 WOOF WOOF ARF! :3

| >>1023158
>and she’s pretty
I don’t think pretty people are real. I’ve met them, but no one in my family is pretty, nor my friends. I think they’re… something else…
I’m not going to attack them or anything- either they feel emotion, or they look like they do, but I sure try to avoid them, and I suggest you do too. I’ve interacted with one before and the others… knew.

| But what I was saying was they don’t work in convenience stores

| No, you don't. Enjoy your kinky abusive sex, though!

| >>1023182 it'd probably be really bad for me but I do! I want it literally more than anything else actually

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1723354967

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