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poppers askdfasdf

| i took a tiny whiff of some just randomly while I was waiting for some shit to load and asldkfjaskdjflkjasldfkjsalkdjfsalkdjflasdkfjalskdgdfj

that butyl nitrate gets shit ILLEGALLY horny man ong asdkfjaskfdjsakdfj

| sniff some of those bitches while making out, i'd HIGHLY recommend btw ;)

| How about you sniff me too? ;3

| How about you let me sniff you? :3

| Where do you get yours?

| >>1021870 you can usually get them in sex shops, that’s where I get mine. Sometimes gas stations carry them too if they’re the sort that carries boner pills.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722440707

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