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Anyone wants to cum inside a cute plushie too?

| I dunno, I'm starting to feel funny about plushies but I really want to leave them filled and creamy in their insides

Anypony feels the same?
Uh- I meant, anyg/u/rl?

| Yeah! I want a plushie to come to life and hug me all night long! I want to hold their little fuzzy nub hands and look down on them as I slide into them! I want to kiss them! I want to get pregnant with plushies and have little fuzzy babies!
Mmmmwah! I’d have sex with you too any time gurl
Lots of love!

| This isn't actually strange at all. I have done this for years. And I want to point out that it is better to have a threesome, or more people to fill up said plushies.

| >>1021291 damn you're filled with love and plush material g/u/rl, I love you too!
I suppose to fill them it'd take more than one person, thanks for the tip pro-g/u/rl!

| I'm gonna make Shondo fumo pregenante

| >>1021306 prime plushie to pomegranat indeed

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1722022766

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