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You are now ovulating manually

| Gotcha!

| And you just lost the game

| the game

| garbage update
just remove period

| my tummy hurts

| >>1021052 Your egg factory is working! I'm a damn wizard!! Muahaha

| >>1021052 Stop eating children raw

| >>1021145

| >>1021145 wait, are there people that eat them raw?! What the hell?

You're supposed to eat them well cooked! Those savages! Absolutely incredible

| >>1021176 never trust anyone who eats their children well done

| You gotta marinate them in candy, then slow roast them. Delicious

| >>1021362 what did you just say about me, you little barbarian??!!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722053557

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