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I'm a puppygirl

| I like being ouppy and having and owner :3

Unfortunately I don't have one.

| You are mine now >:3
*pet pet pet pet pet*

| Yippeeee! Thank youuuu!

| Who's a good girl?

| OP needs some belly rubs for being such a good girl!

| Good girl OP! Let’s go for a walky!

| Piss right here, right now.

-Puppy de una famulia noble pomulia

| piss in my mouth

| Thank youuu for the pets and rubs!

>>1020966 >>1020974 sorry but I like being peed on actually.

| >>1021046
I want to hold your hand and lead you naked into the shower and you’ll sit down (I won’t let you kneel because I don’t want your knees to hurt) and I’ll pee and pee on you and then I’ll get down on my knees and drink all of yours, and well soap each other down and I’ll feel your soft and tender body in my hands and scrub every inch of you and you’ll turn on the cold shower and I’ll shriek and pull you in tight against me in the cold water and we’ll shiver againsteachother

| >>1021046 i think we can help eqch other

| >>1021062 ohhhh go on :3c

| >>1021046
>bodily waste fetish.
Straight to the pound.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1721799038

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