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stop having sex !!

| selfish hogs !! true joy is to give sex !! give sex !! stop having sex !! start giving sex !! 2024 give sex 2024 !! start giving sex !! stop having sex !! give sex !! true joy is to give sex !! selfish hogs

| give sex and share fun

| I love sex.

| What if you have it together though? You should feel like you’ll gain the dividends of sex, not possible if you give it away
Have sex and have fun

| *stops*
ok. now what.

| >>1020822
Gluck Gluck Gluck hab succc :D

| >>1020824 germans on /u/. fucking disgusting. don't you have kraut to drown in or a late train to wait for.

| >>1020826 hey! Leave the little german g/u/rls alone! I love their jokes and sense of humour!

| >>1020835
Claims u <3

| >>1020843 *kisses you in your forehead lovingly*

| >>1020852 are you in your mind?

| >>1020835 make like your uncle and go grilling, you meme loving fuck

| >>1020853
Slides my hands around your beautiful body
Y-you stood up for me

| >>1020873 oh my...
If we're doing this for real... Then make me the leader of your European Union!!
If you catch my diplomatic lingo ;)
*body heats up like Germany rising out of poverty after WW2*

| >>1020852 get out of my thread !! you are not welcome !! you are fuck head !! fuck off fuck head !! get help immediately !! fuck head fuck off !! fuck you

| >>1020852 hopefully this is bait and you aren't some mentally ill freak

| *has ALL THE SEX*

| >>1020877
Yes! Yes! My beloved anything for you. I have a high credit rating because I always keep my promises ; )
Let me cherish you til our oldest of days, let me wake up next to you every morning
Let me know every inch of you like my own body
Let me love you dear

| ok ok sheesh.. Sorry...

| Nu

| >>1020862 only thing I'm in are kiddies. *###*
>>1020883 >///<
>>1020892 hehe

| >>1020964 erm are you for real?

| >>1020947 *lets you love me but then gets scared because love is scary and then runs away crying and trembling*

| You know what... you are right, OP.
I know of a good charity organization for children that need it more than I do. It is now time to leave behind my selfish ways and start learning to give to others out of pure generosity and kindness.

| >>1021061

| Not a problem anyways.

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721926215

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