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What’s the line between fuckbuddy and situationship

| I mean, all fuckbuddies constantly think about each other, and view each others presence, sexual or not, as the main bright spot of their week and main thing to look forward to, right? Also go on hand-holding dates and try to spend as much time as humanly possible being lovey dovey with each other, right?

On the other hand, all that relationship stuff sounds… complicated. I ain’t tryna get into all that stuff, you know.

| I mean in any case, I also do rather like where things currently lie. We have mind-breakingly good sex multiple times a week and also get to cuddle a lot and be lovey dovey. If this is how things are meant to be, fuck it, I’m happy.

| That’s so Amazing I wanna fall in love too. I hope they’re not hurt when it’s over with you : ( I worry about that-I never want anyone to regret knowing me.
I bet you’re a light in their life, and they’ll be better off after than they were before

| Happy for OP

| sexo de culo gay

| Hope your train keeps on it's rightful tracks OP. Godspeed.

| >>3b4750
Congratulations, you are already dating

| That so gay I'm happy for you.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721611386

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