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Cuckold vs Sissy

| Do you rather prefer being sissified or getting cucked?

| bruh what the fuhh xDD nigga wildin frfr go wyt boi go hahaa xDD go off lmao

| cray mf

| like say wuuuuuuuut xDD nigga please lmao xDD wildin ass goin off cray ahh ass lmao xDD

| like bruh what are u sayinnnnn xDD lmao like fr like srs like whaaaaaatttttt xDD xDD i dun get it bruhhh

| chat is this real xDD

| I support >>d6b546 's reasoning

| Gay boy online said im not good enough as male to his tastes so he would rather send his ass pictures all over the internet, and after day of whoring he came cutechat with me. I send him fucking gore (oh boy felt that) cuz talking after such take would be super unbased but now im thinking about my self worth.

| I mean i knew before he beein doing that i never cared or felt offended enough until he straight out told me i have to be cucked (while being horny).

| It’s not good to feel hurt or without value. Love should make you feel good about yourself, and those around you. You shouldn’t hurt others, because you’ll feel bad about it later. Why not make peace with your lover’s nature? If it’s too painful, tell him the happiness he gave you, and part ways with a smile, if not, accept he will never be yours, and enjoy what you can have.

Lots of love gurl<3

| Being cucked! I'm really into it, especially in dynamics where the guy after fucking my girlfriend wants to claim me as his too.

| >>1020055
I would claim you any time I bet you smell good I want to lick you cutely. I guess the cucking is kind of like teasing, but if they’re just abandoned afterwards that’s kinda mean:(

| >>1020093
Hey you’re cute, I’m fucking your with great intensity and love right now <3
You can watch… maybe

| If you're on /d/, you're already either already sissified or on an inevitable course towards sissification

| What if I'm straight, I hit the gym and I've also touched the grass?

| Well you still have a decision to make yeah?
Plan plap plap too bad for you gurl!>>1020055
…oh you’re too cute plap plap plap

| >>1020093 do it do it do it!

>>1020116 whattt that's all? :(

>>1020142 mmfgh get me preggy pls :3

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1721168520

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