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just had sex, ama

| just nutted a few minutes ago. i had sex AND fun :3

| Did you get pregenante?

| If Jacob has 10 apples and he gives 5 to Robin, how many people did Jessica kill in Vietnam?

| >>1018957

| With someone else?

| >>1018957 errrrrr,,, uhhhhhhh , 5?

| Why are the Balkans like this?

| Was the other person a penis haver, or a vagina haver?

| Was it lovey-dovey sex? Or "meh" sex?

| >>1018953 think i made her preganante :3

>>1018957 420.69

>>1019020 centuries of keeping kebab at bay have finally caught up to them

>>1019021 we were both proud penis haversssss :3

>>1019034 Definitely lovey dovey, we cuddled and chilled after. Theyre really cuteeeeeee

| >>1019087 very based and lovey-dovey pilled.

| >>1019087
The lovey dovey sisterhood salutes you softly

You two are so goals

| Cute and lovely

| op here. i miss her sm rn i just spent like 14 hours working to get a project into a presentable state, and instead of cuddlefucking again i come down with ass exploding diarrhea disease so i cant hang with anyonw rn. fuck me (actually dont because im not clean) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa D,:

| >>1019363 lmao rite

| I’d still succ you op~

| >>1019363 ass exploding diarrhea is the bane of my existence. I have IBS and it's more consistent than I'd like (preferably it'd happen never)

| It scares me so many gurls have IBS. I have great digestion but my mind is bad if it’s any consolation. They need to invent gurl pills for your stomach which make it healthy and happy not self destructive and angry

| [op] would recommend: horny yoga. stretching each other out while naked and fondling the shit out of each other. i was stretching her put with some butterfly stretches while feeling up her boobies, its so fun and hottttttttt

| was it worth the blistering of ypur penis?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1720794951

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