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| Man I love em! I wanna kiss em, lick em, sniff em, nuzzle, suck, and ride em! So good! I'd do it for total strangers honestly. I just find them that hot. Idec if they're small or smell.

| Uh huh. Tell us that again when your roommate move out or something

| >>1017769 different g/u/rl actually. I'm not into most of the stuff they were posting about.

| wait what was the g/u/rl with the room mate I was the one having sex (and fun) with fire and the nice tiled computer room setup

| I love sex.

| Your love for cocks is appreciated

| >>1017815 thank you o7

| >>1017792 oh cool, I like you more then

| hehe pegnis

| >>1017941 weenor even

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1719525931

This thread is permanently archived