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Sex with normal girls The thread

| With the current popularity of mental ill girls rising, It's cooler to have sex with normal girls now. What's your favorite part of normal girl? Personally, I like how I can just turn on personality 3 and just auto pilot while talking with them.

| So true bestie.

I like that my gf turns on during sex and I can fucking mating press her

Also she's good on the top

| i have really been trying to find normal girls. i swear to god that i have been.
my last catch seemed okay until i realized her normalness is just a front put up to hide severe depression and low grade substance abuse
where the *fuck* do i keep going wrong g/u/rls, i am desperate

| the veil of normality is to be torn apart and thrown away if one is to find freedom in the midst of subjective assessments and expectations

mating press a normal girl and/or a mentally ill girl

| I love sex.

| Have sex, and have fun!

| This thread reeks of samefagging lmao

| >>1017429 and you're gonna reek of my gurl cum soon *fucks your mouth*

| >>1017440
Mmm mmm tasty and good for my girl skin thank you anon <3
I was actually the sex with normies poster in the other thread, and I have not yet made any posts in here! Thank you everyone for your attention, but I’d really like to thank OP, and everyone who turned what I started as a whim, into a beautiful and complete thread!
Healthy and loving Sex with /d/ posters hnnnnnng

| normal girls can survive on their own. mentally ill girls need you to keep themselves stable. do the right thing!

| >>1017429 well slap my g/u/rlscrotum with a microwave and call me an englishwoman, i guess i'm one of those trollbots my mamma warned me about

| >>1017590
*plugs you in * and gently strokes your power cord

| Having a normal gf and don't have to do your hobby/recreation with them is the best. Have a gf that also play a game with your boys sound like a nightmare. I have seen so many couple playing together with me in my friend group and I thanks the Lain everytime that was not me.

| Having a normal gf that can cook basic homecook food and a bit more elaborate recipe once in a while is the best. When I'm home and cooking is cheaper, having just a bare minimal effort food is way better than having to deal with a girl with specific diet.

| Having a normal gf that not "tech-conscious" is a goddamn blessing. Why the hell would she need a new fucking GPUs again? Why the hell would she talking to me about a fucking "rumored stat" of a god damn GPUs everyday? What the does she even need it for? All she play is literally league and valorant, If she so fucking tech bro why the hell is she using win 11 huh?? I'm sick of this I swear to god next time she talking about gpu again I'm gonna break her fucking wrist for real this

| That sounds kinda hot her teasing you about GPUs. Idk the thing is if you don’t share close desires and values, you’re not going to be able to trust her, and your hobbies and lifestyle kinda reflect your values. A normal girl values conformity and thoughtlessness TOO MUCH for me. If I were just going to have gurlsex with her and visit once a month that’s fine but more and you want someone mentally pleasant.

| Sex with normies? Ewww *barfs on the floor*

>>1017451 oh it's you! I remember you.

| i too love it when my gf does the photosynthesis
yes truly a blessing

| >>1017833 your gf does WHAT

| she supports the nature by making some fresh air to breathe

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719449145

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