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Why i love being called girl?

| Over that i'm... femboy~ ohh g/u/rl of course, g/u/rl, g/u/rl

| G/u/rl it’s cute and has good associations with pleasant living

| ur being given the gaypill and people like to make use of you like a rag, all they have to allow it is by pleasing your submissive needs.
try touching a tree

| ^ this gurl sound insane but I don't think there is a way to say that normally

| Весаусе уоу аге а педик

| im one of those too, and we're both simply degens

lets be happy together and leave that silly gene pool for the ones who give a shit

| You're gonna look so cute as his personal onahole

| >>1017069 *her personal onahole

| Have you considered that you may be a girl?

| >>1017144 ur mom is a girl

| >>1017184 both my dads would like a word with you

| >>1017184 my mom is a WOMAN tyvm

| Maybe many not>>1017195

| >>1017195 you'll never fuck your mom with that attitude tsk tsk tsk
>>1017188 please don't you tell me why you've joined the army

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1719094706

This thread is permanently archived