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Trying nofap since the beginning of the month

| For now, the thing that I'm motivated the most for, is imagining and writing down pretty much detailed and refined erotic stories and my sexual fantasies.

| I did not fap, but did have sex though, and it was a quite bright and memorable fucking.

| Share some

| >>1016427 it's in my native language and I'm lazy to translate it

| Soooo am I doing the nofap wrong? Or is it just how this thing works?

| I love sex.

| >>1016454
Why not deciede for yourself? It's not like there's a big book of officially sanctioned nofap rules wtf

| >>1016481
Anon could write one!
Throw it into chatGTP or translate maybe

| >>1016488 nah since a big us army man joined openAi's hedquarters I decided it's finally the time to stop to interact with that thing. Which, essentially, brought me to writing stuff myself again, like in the pre-gpt era. Kinda miss the possibility of chatting with artificial whores on character.ai though, but I gues I'll manage it

>>1016481 uuugh based

>>1016468 me too lass, me too

| >>1016495 you can always chat with the real whores on danger/u/.

| >>1016518 true

| >>1016518 *##*

| Ugh chat with meee!

| >>1016530 hellow bitch show me your tit, tit titty
Mommy milkers want suck suck suck
Can't stop the milk train from coming through

| >>1016532
>fucks your moutb

| >>1016533
>fucks your mouth

| I am a bee, bzzt

| >>1016533 >>1016536 *stabs you*

| >>1016574
*stabs you with d/i/ck*

| >>1016532
Blushing, I lower my top and present my breasts to you, one in each hand
Ooooh anon be gentle with me

| >>1016634
>*brings out handcuffs*
There's only one way this will end.
>*handcuffs you to the bed*
Pre-marital sex is a sin, you know?
>*reveals hidden bomb under the pillow*
Say hi to the Devil, sinner.
>*turns on the 5second timer and walks out the door*
Abstinence is cool!
>*puts on shades and walks away while you explode on slow-motion*

| >>1016693
>eyes turn red and i let out a deep growl as my teeth turn sharp
you fucking idiot.....
>muscles rip through my shirt as i break the weak handcuffs effortlessly and i let out a deep demonic roar
you have no idea who youre fucking with.....
>fire erupts from my clawed hands and turn into guns and i shoot you with hellbullets that can kill even immortal gods and send weak mortal idiots to hell
but you will........
>chuckles deeply as i watch your pathetic body bleed out

| >>1016694
I swoon and hug your leg with my vuluptuous body

| Lmao

| Op
Fun thing though, not so long before the start of nofapathon I often had wild erotic dreams, now, however, I do not have them, despite having lewd thoughts all day

I do, however, dream about war and shootouts. Lol.

| Like, what the fuck

| Only way I'd do nofap is if someone locked me in chastity tbh. I'm constantly horny and have very little self control.

| >>1016718 that's a pity

| Eh, different strokes for different folks I guess

| >>1016731 may be, may be

| So far it seems that more than 5 days of abstinence provide EXCRUCIATING effect on my organism, because my balls fucking HURT. And I'm supposed to last AT LEAST till the weekend, when my woman arrives back in town. Sheesh.

| >>1016734 so I can fucking mating press her till she screams into the pillow. This wouldn't count as a fap but I will relieve the cum or pee that is stored in balls or smth.

| Awoooooooooooooo!!!!
*Howls like a wolf*
I'm going to transfoemrm!!

| haven't masturbated in kinda like 3-4 days, feels great, I don't even want to. it's not like I'm impotent or something (I get a boner every morning), it's just that now I'm not aroused by sex but by long term intimacy with real people instead of sexy 2D pictures.

| and yes, I realized there's more to life than just sex.

| >>1016819 this is how it's supposed to be I guess

| >>1016819
That’s wild. I tried for a while to cultivate a fetish for love and ugly(3d) girls, since that was where I wanted to end up, but ended up accepting what makes me cum is intense stimuli, and what makes me love is goodness and kindness in my world I can participate in. That means I’m always going to primarily use porn, but that I hope I can one day find a lover based on a good spirit, where I’m not in the zero sum game of needing some beauty, or hating them for leaving me.

| >>1016880 so true bestie

| >>1016949
<3 sending love and I can seed my porn on I2p postman if you want I don't have self hosted file share or anything and am a lil slow. (I don't run arch (cry))

| i don't like masturbating because the moment i cum i immediately think about something else like skateboarding or diy carpentry and sex loses all its appeal for weeks and i feel like i shouldn't have jacked off

| >>1017154 it's kinda common actually

| >>1017157
yeah, post-nut clarity and whatnot
it's just immediate and extreme for me i think
i still look at sex sometimes

| >>1017158 press F to look at sex

Btw I don't usually have a post nut clarity

| Uh I don't know if the nofap is responsible for that or not, but today I suddenly had a wish to go jogging casually and jogged for 2 mile, though usually I am not fond of running

| That sounds interesting! Now I’m going to go for a brief run myself.

| >>1017179 that's motivating gurl

| Went running again in the morning, same distance but added x11 pushups every 100 feet on the way back, repeated it 5 times

| >>1017238
aaaah that's too much for lil ol me. I went for a bike ride and drank chocolate milk today which was nice.

Hey!-- This thread can become the gym for our site where we all work out together an we'll form a community and win some big competition together while growing as people and finding ourselves!!

| >>1017290 here's a chocky milk for you, fren

Well it can, in theory

| >>1016715
>I do, however, dream about war and shootouts.

These kind of dreams can apparently be a sign of low oxygen levels during nighttime. Have you checked yourself for sleep apnea or high blood pressure lately? Don't forget to stay hydrated too.

| >>1017337 hm, I didn't think about that. My the pressure is alright, I didn't check for apnea. I also drink lots of liquid. So I guess it's just Ready or Not gameplay and military movies kick in during the nights, lol

| >>1017298
I’m always feeling short of breath and often have dark circles under my eyes despite scheduling a lot of time for sleep. I’m skinny too. I’ll get a pulse oximeter I guess since I need a new drive for my computer anyway. Thanks Dr. /d/

| no fap is just a lie

| >>1017400 yeah probably

| Fapping in moderation is actually quite healthy, physically, mentally, and emotionally

| >>1017414 yes definitely

| Dam I came back to work and now it's significantly harder for me to find a place for running and to actually do it. Shame though, I already started to like it. Anyway, today will be sex.

| Fucked GF from behind riiight into the pussy after she leaned against a window

| The fuck apparently was so good that I don't feel the need to fap

| Ok the month will be over soon, I guess lasting won't be a problem

Total number of posts: 60, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1719472906

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