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I'd be fine

| I'd be fine getting raped actually. I'm cool with letting people use me.

| Uh huh

| a certified sexual abuse survivor post
go get therapy, jesus christ sis

| same lets rape each other

| >>cf16cb Hot maybe

| >>908102 but have you considered that I want it to happen

>>8ec7e0 hot definitely!

| >>cf16cb i'm gonna

| >>8ec7e0 go for it :3

| >>1014563 god why am i the one melting here

| Post address

| >>1014574 sorry but no. I genuinely might but I have roomies and don't want other people to get hurt just cause I'm a freak.

| >>1014564 it's okay! Just take your time!

| I'm going to sweetly rape you!!
Grape!!! I'll grape you!!! You're gonna like it! I'm gonna love it!!

| I'm gonna love it!

| hopefully you can just find someone to do CNC with and don't actually get raped

| >>03598e that would probably be for the best. I can acknowledge that it probably would be actually really bad for me as much as I want it.

| >>1014709
yeah, i'm not a rape victim so i can't say for sure but i think that it'd be safe to assume that that kind of experience is deeply traumatizing
do keep it in the bounds of fiction and roleplay g/u/rl keep it safe and ethical and shit

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1716960464

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