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only good for sex

| I thinkb I've got some kind of brain condition that's caused me to lose a lot of mental function. I can't think clearly or remember a lot anymore. I feel sad because all I have left is being used, but I'm still good at that.

| shaken baby syndrome

| I love sex.

| i got the blobfish banner referencing IncestOP


| >>4e7e09 wtf are you talkin about

| >>1013600 >>1013731
Nvm lmao I got it reloading the page lol. Never paid much attention to the banners on here for like 3 years now.

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1013733 *fucks your mouth*

| Thanks guys :3

| Sex is overrated. Taking a shit feels better.

| >>1013549
>I thinkb I've got some kind of brain condition that's caused me to lose a lot of mental function.
Adult ADD does that to you. It's why it's so hard for seniors to get diagnosed with ADD because it's so similar to the earlier stages of dementia.

| good

| >>1013855 that's actually really good to know. ADHD is extremely common in my family and I was never officially diagnosed.

| >>1013839 you mean anal_____ haha, gotcha lolololololololol Xdxdxdxd ^o^

| Way depressing overall but I hope sex is fun for you

| I loooooooove sex!!!! I'm gonna go have some rn :3c

| >>045833 hell yeah!
>>614eec it is fun at least :3

| >>1013946 insane how hot that is

| >>1014006 oh you like girls like that hmmm :3

| >>1014009 don't tempt me ;3

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1716519490

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