My dog likes eating my ass AMA

| Title says it all lmao
Figured i'd bend over and present my ass to him one time i was masturabting and he just started licking me really nicely, he's a large bernese mountain dog and figured i'd talk about it just because lol

| Cool

| i feel like viewing this thread has put me on a watchlist

| Watchlist of cool people yeah

| do u want to make him fuck ur ass?

| lol who even would do that? Imagine become bottom of your dog, like you serious??
On top of that it's even popularly considered illegal, offensive and abusive
No way anyone does that lmao
Try being cooler next time

| >>1011245 tbh i think that might be a bit too much haha
like i enjoy having fun just like this with, and he enjoys my ass so it's a win win

| >>1011260 while it may be considered illegal in some places (not where i live) i don't do anything negative to him, all animals have urges and i love him with all my heart, i take care of him and all of his needs aswell

| :/ gurls

| alright guys
its "be normal on the internet" day
we can stop now

| >>1011375 I'm a normal white girl alright

| You just know

| lmao i've even taken some videos of when he licks me>>1011375

| >>1011604 post

| >>1011604 show the class

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1713518556

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